Magyar Péter már termékmegjelenítést is tartalmaz
Azonban mintha elfelejtené, hogy a rezsim megdöntéséhez nem elég megborotválkozni, de választásokat is kellene nyerni a jelen rendszer szerint.
The traditional role of publishers—editing, production, and distribution—is certainly up for grabs. What don’t appear to be up for grabs are the old-fashioned virtues of craft and quality.
„With the News of the World phone-hacking scandal continuing to hobble the fortunes of Rupert Murdoch, the case against one of his fellow Fleet Street press barons, Conrad Black, looks almost quaint by comparison. Indeed, you could reasonably say that while the crimes committed by Black—as well as those other high-profile jailbirds from the past decade, such as Martha Stewart, former Sotheby’s chairman Alfred Taubman, and ImClone founder Sam Waksal—made big headlines in their day, they now look piddling next to, say, the widespread criminality at the heart of the subprime-mortgage racket. For his part, Black was convicted in 2007 in a U.S. federal court of defrauding shareholders of his company, Hollinger International, which, at its peak, owned more than 500 newspapers, including the Chicago Sun-Times, The Jerusalem Post, and London’s Telegraph.